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A collaborative effort with many enthusiastic partners

Please address any enquiries you might have to the project coordinators

Meet the team

Head researchers: Victor Flores and Leen Engelen.

Ana David Mendes, António Coelho, Carolina Martins, Diana Levay, Diego Barajas Riaño, Érica Faleiro Rodrigues, Filipe Luz, Joana Fernandes, João Alves, João Dias, Jon Stam, Jose Fadolla, Julian Garcia Long, Leen Engelen, Lennert Deprettere, Linda King, Marco Barbosa, Oleksandr Lyashchenko, Phil Lopes, Rita Carvalho, Rodrigo Peixoto, Stella Carneiro, Teresa Mendes Flores, Tomas Vandecasteele, Veronika Romhány, Victor Flores, Wim Forceville.